In the blink of an eye, your newborn seems to be getting ready for school and you wonder where all of that time went. Yet even though the months seem to be flying by, you still need to focus on helping them prepare properly for "big" school, so that they hit the ground running and move decisively. What are some of the areas that you need to focus on in terms of early learning, for best effect?


Whenever a child moves up from preschool it can be particularly stressful and demanding. Not only is everything much larger than it used to be before, but they will need to fit into different routines as well. This is why it's important for them to develop language skills as soon as possible, so they can communicate effectively, connect with others and understand their teachers.


In addition, they now have to fend for themselves to a certain extent and will need to be well coordinated. The sooner they learn to take action on their own account, the better off they will be and this will help them fit in with the other children on the playground, as well.

Confidence and Presence

Certainly, children in this environment will have to be confident in and of themselves so that they can stand their own ground and be as well prepared as possible. This is important within the classroom and on the playground, as they learn to fit in with others, while asserting themselves when necessary. This also requires a small degree of physicality, which needs to be addressed from an early learning stage. With self-confidence comes independence, as their new school environment requires them to be more autonomous.

Emotional Connections

In particular, it's important for children to develop their emotional skills as quickly as possible. This will allow them to be much more successful in their early days at a new school and allow them to play, interact and socialise as effectively as possible. They will be able to develop emotional connections with others, which will in turn help them with their own confidence.

The Advantages of Early Learning

Every parent should want their children to hit the ground running whenever they first arrive at the "big" school. This is why it's crucial to consider a certain amount of time in an early learning centre, where any issues can be addressed (if needed) and basic skills can be honed in a similar, if smaller environment.

For more information, contact local child care centeres.
