Considering sending your child to a day care centre? Busy work schedules are a common reason why many parents choose to send their children to day care centres. This is a huge decision in yours and your child's life that requires research and careful consideration. A day care centre is an added financial cost and can at first be a scary experience for both you and the child. However, there are numerous benefits that it can offer your little one. Here are five main benefits:

Development of social skills: Day care centres offer the opportunity for a child to be exposed to other children of similar age, which is usually not possible in their own home environment. This is important in developing their social skills. They learn important principles, such as sharing with others and learning to communicate effectively, including with their teachers. Overall, this can help build more social and confident kids. 

Cognitive development: Children are exposed to challenges, such as games and activities, which help them learn and their little brains develop. It has been scientifically proven that day care greatly helps develop their language and cognitive skills and perform better in their first few years of schooling than children who didn't attend child care. 

Discipline: Day care centres usually have a structure and routine, which teaches your child discipline and order from a young age. This can help your child become better behaved.

Independence: At first, separation from parents can be scary for both you and your child, but it teaches them independence and a routine away from their home. This can also be helpful when they start school as they will be more emotionally independent, and it will be easier for them to adjust to schooling life.

Health: Being exposed to other children means they are exposed to more germs and sicknesses. You might be wondering — how is that a benefit? Being exposed to such elements helps strengthen their immune system. This means that when they start school or venture out, there will be fewer sniffles for you to worry about!

Sending your child to a day care centre can initially be a daunting experience. The separation can be hard, and the financial costs must be considered. However, there are plenty of benefits a day care centre can offer your child. This includes socialisation, cognitive development, teaching them discipline and structure and strengthening their immune systems. These benefits help them better prepare for school and help them become happy and smart kids!
