An increasing number of parents are learning to shift their child's care routine into a virtual online-learning activity. With the popularity and efficiency of video conferencing platforms, your child can now be schooled in real-time from the comfort of their home. This decreases any likelihood of being exposed to dangerous pathogens or the viral infections that may sometimes float around preschools. 

It also allows you to remain close to your loved ones during these challenging, confusing times. Online learning is the ideal solution for parents trying to establish a sense of normalcy in their children's lives, without taking the risk of them spending the day outside. 

How Teachers Use Video Conferencing In Their Classrooms 

When it comes to child care for preschoolers, you have the option of either enrolling your child in a traditional preschool system where they will be learning alongside other kids, or you can offer them the services of a tutor with child care experience. With online learning, preschool teachers are being encouraged to combine these two methods, using smaller classrooms but allowing children to interact with each other through conference calls.

Teachers will typically set up their workstation to make sure their background, which is visible on the video, matches the themes and decorations of their classrooms. They will ensure their stations are brightly lit and feature lots of colours, shapes and patterns your child will want to engage with. 

Engaging Children During Online Classes

Child care wouldn't be effective if it didn't involve the child being engaged and participating in the lessons. Therefore, with online classes, it's the responsibility of the educator to ensure your child feels just as stimulated. Activities teachers use may include drawing recognisable shapes such as trees and houses on their board and encouraging the children to guess what their drawing depicts. The children can also provide colour use suggestions, or attempt their own drawing. 

Another activity teachers may offer is interactive story-time. The teacher will tell a children's story of their choosing, using questions and songs to encourage children to join in. Using their camera, they can show children the illustrations featured on the book they are using for inspiration, or create their own. Online child care should also be mindful of the fact that the children are in their own homes. Therefore, games like showing the class the child's favourite thing in the house and explaining what it's used for can be fulfilling to many preschoolers. 

Contact a local preschool to learn more about your options.
